Friday 18 December 2009

It's been a while! -- Shadow puppets again

I've had the most insane few months - I'm back at University, and had completely forgotten how all encompassing academic work is time-wise! Not that I'm complaining, I love to learn, but now I'm on Christmas break, I'm desperate to get back designing again.

The shadow puppets started out quite well earlier this year, but as things have, they wound down. Now, I'm starting to think about how to make them a bit less clunky. The problem with the ammonite puppet was that the tentacles were just too solid - they're meant to represent a hugely mobile appendage, so I'm thinking of making them out of a heavily (really heavily) jointed limb inside something like a balloon animal balloon to give it that extra fluidity.

The other concern is the theatre. I always assumed I'd need a massive theatre, but I saw a halloween show at the Victoria and Albert Museum in October which had a room full of adults completely glued to a screen that I think must have been smaller than A3. If I could go even a little bigger than that, I think it'd look great. I think that what I hadn't considered yet was the need for the screen surrounds to look the part, so I'm going to do some thinking about that. I'll post my designs later.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep in touch a bit better. Updates when they're ready!!

xxx Alex